Each week, we are presenting members of our Visions4 staff, so you can get to know the behind-the-scenes work (and the bright-n-shiny personalities) that goes into putting together an event like Visions Film Festival & Conference. The Director of Hospitality, Zoë VanDerPloeg, and the Director of Development, Jillian Kaszubski, work together with their teams to bring the flair and finishing touches to our event and also make sure we have the money to do so.

Our Very Talented Hospitality Director: Zoë VanDerPloeg
ZV: Shannon (Head Visions Director) recommended it to me last Spring, so I didn’t really choose it…but it would’ve probably been what I would’ve chosen anyway. I like doing all the logistics for the events-within-events (Video Race, parties, catering, etc.) and I like how high energy and team-oriented this position is. Plus my team is awesome.
DC: What has been your most difficult task this semester? Your favorite?
ZV: Keeping up with everything! This semester is crazy. Parties, outreach, Video Race, helping Jillian (Director of Development & Fundraising) with sponsorship, Swag Bag donations – we all have big stuff to do. Plus all the little stuff like e-mailing the filmmakers and scholars and doing budgets. And more so than some of the other departments, our bulk of work is this semester and goes right up to the day of the event. I like planning for the catering, Swag Bags, stuff like that - anything that makes people go, “Wow, this is cool!” I want to make the filmmakers and scholars feel special.
DC: What advice would you give for the next person to fill your position (individually/as a department)?
ZV: Well, I know that it is going to be Ally. So I would tell her to keep being her vocal, opinionated self, and to maintain her level of patience when dealing with her team members and other difficult tasks.
DC: Where do you feel that your team has contributed the most to V4, so far?
ZV: Organizing parties and outreach events. Although they are officially for PR and Development, I feel like another benefit to those events is that it helps draw our class together a bit outside of the confines of the our staff meetings.
DC: What are you looking forward to most during Visions4?
ZV: Meeting all our guests! And everything going smoothly…
DC: What part of V4 are you most proud of?
ZV: I think our Art Department is awesome. Although it took them a bit of time to get on their feet, they have really gotten everything together, and I think their defined campaign adds momentum to our whole group. Because of their awesome designs, Shannon was able to get more money for customized Swag Bag goodies for the filmmakers and scholars. That makes me look super good - but I couldn’t have done it without them.
Zoë has been one of the uniting voices driving the Visions4 Staff this semester, which has kept everyone at the top of their game.
1 Hour/1 Take Video Race Coordinator, Taylor Woodell

Remember, the _ _ _ _ _ is ticking...
With this interview, Taylor has provided some insight into her position, as well as her experience in Visions this semester.
DC: Do you feel that you chose the position, or did the position choose you?
TW: I did not choose my position. I feel as though I was picked for it because Shannon has seen how I function as a producer, I am very diligent, thorough, and have a positive outlook, therefore I think those qualities transfer well into my Visions job title.
DC: What has been your most difficult (or most favorite) task this semester?
TW: The most difficult has been staying on top of all of the logistics that go into planning the video race. Oddly enough, the most difficult tasks have also been my favorite! I love seeing the progress Video race has made thus far.
DC: What advice would you give for the next Co-Coordinator?
TW: Work ahead, always have a back-up plan, and don’t be afraid to ask for help!
DC: Where do you feel that you or your team has contributed the most to V4?
TW: We have contributed to making a face for Visions4, and we also have contributed a lot to what goes on the day of, ranging from what our guests will experience (how they will see Visions and Wilmington,) as well as creating an awesome mini-event.
DC: What are you looking forward to most during Visions4?
TW: I am very excited to get to meet some amazing filmmakers and scholars from all different places! I also am just as excited to see how all of our (The V4 Staff’s) hard work has paid off!
DC: What part of V4 are you most proud of?
TW: I am very proud of Jillian realizing and going after getting Visions a grant! That is a huge deal and could give the all future Visions an even greater leg up. It gives the festival so many more opportunities to flourish and develop!
Taylor has been an amazing networking resource for many of the V4 departments. No matter what questions or leads someone has had this semester, Taylor seems to always say, "I know somebody we can talk to." Her connections (and cheerful smile) have helped out everyone.
There you have it, folks! A relentless Hospitality Department and cool swag bags are just the tip of the V4 iceberg. Check back each week as we spotlight more vital members and departments of our Visions4 family.
Dallis Frie Covey
Print & Media Relations Copywriter
Visions 4 Film Festival & Conference
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